Zoning And Permitting Reports that work for you.
Comprehensive Review
ZAP.REPORT's Comprehensive Review consists of a complete site requirement analysis, including necessary permits, in a single convenient report.
Price: $800
A ZAP.REPORT Comprehensive Review includes:
Standard Summary Review (see below)
Municipal Zoning Verification Letter* (see below)
Requirement Review - Planning & Zoning (see below)
Requirement Review - Building (see below)
Requirement Review - Fire (see below)
*Additional Municipality Fees May Apply
Standard Summary Review
The ZAP.REPORT Standard Summary Review provides valuable insight by providing an overall summary of zoning requirements for a given site. The Standard Summary Review is ALTA Table A, item 6a/6b compliant.
ZAP - Standard Summary Review
Price: $200
A ZAP.REPORT Standard Summary Review includes:
Municipal Jurisdiction
Assessor Report/Map (if available)
Zoning Classification
Zoning Overlay Confirmation
Zoning Map
Adjacent Property Zoning/Map (if available)
Permitted Uses Allowed
By Right​
Special Use
Conditional Use
Applicable Zoning Codes
Building Layout
Bulk Requirements
Setback Requirements
Height Requirements
Lot Coverage
Density Restrictions
Floor-Area Ratio
Parking Standards
Included Documents (as available): Zoning Map, Assessor Report/Map, Applicable Zoning Ordinances, including Permitted Uses, Bulk Requirements and Parking.

Municipal Zoning Verification Letter
A Municipal Zoning Verification Letter is a formal letter or verification provided by the municipal jurisdiction confirming the zoning of the site/property. ZAP requests the local municipality to confirm the Zoning of the property and its permitted use; ZAP is at the mercy of the municipality regarding responses provided in the Municipal Zoning Verification Letter.
Price: $150*
ZAP.REPORT Municipal Zoning Verification Letter - Requested Information**:
Zoning Site Regulations
General Description of the Zoning District
References to Applicable Zoning & Development Standards
Zoning History as Related to the Current Zoning Entitlements
Information on Legal Land Uses, Zoning, Zoning Performance Standards, Development History, and Compliance
Zoning Map
Permitted Use
Violations - ZAP.REPORT also requests that the municipality confirm if there are any outstanding zoning, building, fire code violations of record on file for the property. However, it is important to note that many municipalities are not willing to provide these responses in the Zoning Letter and additional resources may be required to confirm this information.
Conformance* - ZAP requests conformance of the site, but cannot guarantee that the municipality will provide this information.
Note: The verification letter alone does not verify compliance with development regulations, parking, or certify legal non-conforming status.​
*Additional Municipality Fees May Apply
**Content Varies Based on Location

Requirement Review
> Planning & Zoning <
ZAP.REPORT's Planning & Zoning Requirement Review outlines the requirements indicated by the local municipality in a summarized format. Advance your project and order today.
Price: $150
A ZAP.REPORT Planning & Zoning Requirement Review includes:
Confirmation of Requirements of the local Planning & Zoning Department
Permitted Use by Right
Permitted Use by Special Use Permit (SUP)
Permitted Use by Conditional Use Permit (CUP)
Zoning Permit Requirements (if applicable)
Site Plan Requirements
Process for Approval (required to proceed with Building Permit)
ZAP.REPORT provides applicable ordinances, applications, and processes for each item as regulated by the local authority. Municipality contacts are also provided.

Requirement Review
> Building <

ZAP.REPORT's Building Requirement Review outlines the requirements indicated by the local municipality in a summarized format. Advance your project and order today.
Price: $150
A ZAP.REPORT Building Requirement Review includes:
Confirmation of Requirements of the local Building Department
Plan Submittal Requirements and Process for Approval
Building Permit
New Construction
Inspection Requirements and Process
Certificate of Occupancy
New Construction
Change of Use / Tenancy
New Ownership
ZAP.REPORT provides applicable ordinances, applications, and processes for each item as regulated by the local authority. Municipality contacts are also provided.
Requirement Review
> Fire <

ZAP.REPORT's Building Requirement Review outlines the requirements indicated by the local municipality in a summarized format. Advance your project and order today.
Price: $150
A ZAP.REPORT Building Requirement Review includes:
Confirmation of Requirements of the local Fire Department
Plan Submittal Requirements
Plan Review process (if applicable)
Applicable Fire Permits
Access Control
Fire Lanes
Inspection Requirements & Process
Certificate of Completion/Compliance
ZAP.REPORT provides applicable ordinances, applications, and processes for each item as regulated by the local authority. Municipality contacts are also provided.